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鹿背杏仁蛋卷Almond roll


杏仁almondflakes 50克g,蛋黄eggyolk 3个pcs,糖sugar 15克g,牛奶milk 60克g,低筋面粉cakeflour 65克g,菜油vegetableoil 30克g,蛋白eggwhite 3个pcs,糖sugar 35克g,牛油butter 60克g,糖霜icingsugar 10克


  1. 1: 蛋黄加糖打发,依次序加入牛奶、面粉和菜油分别打发均匀;Beat yolk and sugar, milk then flour, and lastly vegetable oil to form smooth batter.

  2. 2: 蛋白加糖打发至坚挺;Whisk egg white with sugar till firm.

  3. 3: 以切拌方式混合蛋白糊和蛋黄糊;Combine both mixture by cut and fold, in 3 times.

  4. 4: 倒入33x23cm的烤盘里,并放进已预热到180度的烤箱烤15分钟;Pour the batter into a baking pan, bake at 180C for 15 mins.

  5. 5: 取出待凉;Let cool for a while.

  6. 6: 利用余火把杏仁烤香;Roast almond flakes till golden brown.

  7. 7: 打发牛油和糖霜;Make buttercream by beating till fluffy.

  8. 8: 把烤好的蛋糕翻过来涂抹薄薄一层牛油馅;Apply a thin layer of buttercream onto the cake (down-side).

  9. 9: 压着向外卷起;Roll up as shown.

  10. 10: 静置之时把杏仁片摊在另一纸上;Spread the roasted almond flakes onto a piece of baking paper.

  11. 11: 把剩余的牛油馅涂抹在蛋卷上;Apply the remaining buttercream on the roll.

  12. 12: 在铺满杏仁片的纸上滚几下;Roll it on the paper full with almond flakes.

  13. 13: 再包起来并置于冰箱冷藏15分钟;Wrap the roll, set aside in the fridge for 15 mins.

  14. 14: 取出切去两边让手机先尝(之后当然先满足我);Cut both ends for more professional presentation.

  15. 15: 切件享用;Ready to serve? Yes, I can take both pieces.

  16. 16: 我老公一连吃了两件,说这样的下午茶最美满!How perfect such afternoon tea set is! You know what, my hubby took two pieces as well.

( 创建于2018-11-03 )


