< 心食谱 菜谱大全 >



枝竹artichoke 1大朵pc,义大利陈醋balsamic 1汤匙tbs,橄榄油oliveoil 1汤匙tbs,黑胡椒粉blackpepper 少许fe


  1. 1: 我一般会买起码500克一朵的,因为孩子们爱吃;Normally I will buy one weighs about 500g because my kids do fancy for its unique flavour.

  2. 2: 把亚枝竹放在过面的沸水里开盖煮15分钟;Boil the cleaned artichoke for 15 mins without the lid.

  3. 3: 反过来再煮15分钟,依然开盖;Turn upside down for another 15 mins.

  4. 4: 把筷子插进中心测试一下煮熟与否;Insert one chopstick into the heart to check if it is well done.

  5. 5: 混合橄榄油和义大利陈醋,撒点黑胡椒粉;Prepare the mixture of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic, sprinkle some black pepper on it.

  6. 6: 只吃每一片依附着芯最嫩之处;Peel and eat only the tender part of each slice.

  7. 7: 蘸着酱汁吃增添味道;It tastes different by dipping the said sauce.

  8. 8: 吃到看见尖尖的就拔掉,里面的毛也不要;When you see the pointed leaves, stop eating until peel all off together with the hairy parts inside.

  9. 9: 冲洗干净里面的毛;Wash it till all hair is gone.

  10. 10: 最精彩最回甘的就是亚枝竹的芯。The most fantastic part is the artichoke heart, I treat it as a no-frill meal because I am almost full after eating just my portion.

  11. 11: 我每隔一个月都会买一个哟!I usually buy one every other month from Citisuper here in Hong Kong.

  12. 12: 配上美酒,成就一顿简单素餐。Awaken your taste buds with a glass of Rosé, if you desire.

( 创建于2019-12-14 )


