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娃娃菜cabbage 3棵pcs,粗盐coarsesalt 50克g,姜ginger 2汤匙tbs,蒜头garlic 5办pcs,紫天椒chilli 2个pcs,醋椒P.chilli 3汤匙tbs,红椒粉paprika 1茶匙tsp,绍酒Chinesewine 1汤匙tbs,幼盐finesalt 1茶匙tsp


选购每个约500克重的大娃娃菜,冲洗干净;Clean thoroughly the cabbage.

掰开浸泡10来分钟;Peel each single leaf, soak in salted water for 10 mins.

用洁净的手掰细;Break with clean hands into smaller pieces.

准备好醃料;Prepare the marinades as shown.

加盐,用手混合,使劲揣至软;Add coarse salt, mix hard with hands till tender.

除了绍酒,加入砧板上所有材料;Besides Chinese cooking wine, add in all marinades on the chopping board.

密封罐洗彻底洗干净,烫热水,不能沾油。一边入罐一边挤压;Again clean a big jar that's able to hold these pickles, press while putting in bit by bit.

把菜下边的液体也倒进去,只需要盖面就行,加入绍酒,上面撒幼盐;Pour the liquid in so as to just cover the pickles. Add wine. Sprinkle fine salt on top.

扣上扣密封,置于阴暗处4-5晚(冬天需时较长);星期二跟星期六的对比。Seal it in dim place for 4-5 nights (rather long in winter).Before and after (4 nights).

装在小罐子里冷藏保存,甚至可以送礼;Divide the whole into smaller cans, place in the fridge for 2 nights.

这就叫开胃!It's really a good side dish.

吃乌冬的时候佐上几片特别生津。So accomplished by adding some sour element to the noodles!

配柠檬红茶吃特别有滋味!Lemon tea tastes good!

( 创建于2020-01-09 )



