

蛋黄Eggyolks 6颗pcs,鲜奶油Heavycream 2杯cups,牛奶Milk 1杯cup,白糖Sugar 1/3杯cup,香草精Vanillaext. 1小匙tsp.,热水Hotwater 一些some


1、烤箱预热350F / 175C.在 一个锅子里加入鲜奶油, 牛奶和香草精搅拌稍微煮开, 不停搅拌. 放凉. Pre-Heat oven to 350F / 175C. In a cooking pot, stir in heavy cream, milk and the vanilla until slightly boil, mix constantly, and leave to cool.

2、将6颗蛋黄稍微拌匀. 慢慢加入白糖搅拌, 然后慢慢将步骤一加入蛋黄的搅拌盆里.In a mixing bowl, slightly beat egg yolks, add sugar slowly and mix. Then add mixture slowly into the egg yolks, mix well.

3、将面煳经过过滤网慢慢加入玻璃容器里. Pour cream mixture evenly into each ramekin over a strainer.

4、将烤盘中加入热水, 最好可以加到玻璃容器 2/3高处, 放入一个个布丁.小心布要让水进入到布丁里. Pour enough boiling water into pan. Put the ramekins into the baking pan, don’t let any water get into the ramekins.

5、放进烤箱烤约30-40分钟或布丁边边焦黄. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until top is light golden brown and sides are set.

6、小心的将烤盘取出, 放凉. 将一个个烤好的布丁用保鲜膜包起来, 冰至少4小时. (但不要冰超过两天, 不然布丁会慢慢干掉) Carefully take the pan out of oven. Cool to room temperature. Cover each pudding with plastic wrap tightly; refrigerates until chilled, at least 4 hrs

7、要吃之前拿出来打开保鲜膜. 将白砂糖均匀撒至布丁上方, 用厨房专用手喷枪, 用画圆形的方式将白糖慢慢融化到焦黄. Sprinkle white sugar over each chilled cream brulee. Using kitchen torch to caramelize sugar on each, until sugar is melted and light golden brown.



布蕾  烤布蕾  焦糖烤布蕾  焦糖  

