

"鲜奶油 100g","鲜奶 50g","无盐奶油 20g","香草荚 1根","70.5调温苦甜巧克力 300g",


  1. step1

    1: 加入鲜奶油 Add 100g cream

  2. step2

    2: 加入牛奶 Add 50g milk

  3. step3

    3: 加入奶油 Add 20g butter

  4. step4

    4: 加入香草荚 Put a ear of Vanilla pods

  5. step5

    5: 加热至约80度 Heat mixing materials until about 80°C

  6. step6

    6: 准备70.5% 调温苦甜巧克力 70.5% finest belgian chocolate 300g

  7. step7

    7: 倒入钢盆 Put in the mixing bowl

  8. step8

    8: 倒入混合的食材并静置2-3分钟 Pour mixing material into the mixing bowl and set aside about 2-3 minutes

  9. step9

    9: 搅拌均匀 Stir mixing well

  10. step10

    10: 确认温度降至约34-35度 Make sure the temperature down to about 34-35°C

  11. step11

    11: 倒入搅拌均匀的巧克力浆 Pour mixing well chocolate into the measuring cup

  12. step12

    12: 使用均质机将巧克力浆混合到表面发亮 Mix chocolate until to generate velvety texture by using hand-held homogenizer

  13. step13

    13: 将巧克力放入铝棒中 Pour mixing chocolate into the aluminium bar

  14. step14

    14: 使用抹刀将巧克力铺平 Use spatula to smooth the chocolate

  15. step15

    15: 放入冰箱冷冻2小时 Put in freezer top about 2 hours

  16. step16

    16: 撒上可可粉 Dusted with cocoa powder

  17. step17

    17: 裁切成合适大小的生巧克力块 Use knife to cut chocolates for appropriate size

  18. step18

    18: 成品照1

  19. step19

    19: 成品照2



生巧克力  巧克力制作  

