面包条Bread stick


"水water 160克g","高筋面breadflour 250克g","酵母yeast 1茶匙tsp","盐salt 1茶匙tsp","牛油butter 1茶匙tsp","香草dryparsley 1汤匙tbs","红椒粉paprika 1茶匙tsp","芝士Manchego 50克g","橄榄油oliveoil 1汤匙tbs","蒜蓉garlic 10克g"


把制作面团所需所有材料放进面包机内胆;Put all ingredients under (A) in the bread machine.

选择「搓揉面团」模式,需时13分钟,之后留在机里面发酵1小时或至双倍大;Choose 'cookie/pasta dough' mode for bread kneading which takes 13 mins, then rest for 1 hr or till double.

一小时后准备材料(B);Prepare all ingredients under (B).

Manchego是仅一我能够接受的羊奶芝士;Amongst goat cheese, manchego is the only one so far I can accept.

全部放在碗里;Put them in a bowl.

混合材料备用;Mix them and set aside.

烤箱预热190度。案板上撒上一层面粉,将发酵好的面团取出;Preheat oven to 190C. Take the dough out and put it on the floured countertop.

以擀面棍压展成长方形面皮;Roll out to rectangular shape.

橄榄油抹于表面;Apply some oil on the surface.

接着撒上步骤6已经准备好的芝士混合物;Sprinkle cheese mixture.

以手掌压一压;Press to make sure the mixture will not be separated later.

对折后压平;Fold and press.

刀子蘸上面粉切条;Cut as shown.

放进烤盘;Twist each stick then put them onto the baking tray.

190度烤15分钟;Bake for 15 mins at 190C.

取出趁热享用。Take out from the oven and serve warm.

一出炉没多久就吃光了,在墨尔本的阿姨很快就跟着做了。Oh no, all gone. My Aunt in Melbourne made her batch, too. She is great!

不够饱足可以添加这些,成就简单的午餐。Add extra food then you feel more than good.



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