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Egg Benedict 班尼迪克蛋


bagel贝果包 1/2,WhiteVinegar白醋1 tsp,UnsaltedButter无盐奶油1 tbsp,egg 1只,Ham火腿 1-2,HollandaiseSauce荷兰酱 -,EggYolks蛋黄 1,UnsaltedButter,melted无盐奶油溶解50g,LemonJuice柠檬汁1tbsp,Salt盐1/4tsp,WhiteVinegar白醋1/2 ts


  1. 1: The sauce, put the egg yolk in a heatproof bowl and place over the bowl of simmering water. Whisk the egg yolks with the salt until pale. Add the vinegar and lemon juice onto the yolk and continue whisking until well combined. Slowly add the melted butter in a steady stream whisking constantly until the sauce is smooth and thick.蛋黄加入盐搅拌,隔水加热,之后再加入新鲜柠檬汁和白醋搅拌至微浓稠,再慢慢分数次加入溶解了的奶油不停的迅速搅拌至浓稠,便完成荷兰酱。

  2. 2: Fill a small pan full with water boil till simmer and add white vinegar. Break the egg in a small bowl, swirl the vinegared water briskly to form a vortex and slide in an egg. It will curl round and set to a neat round shape. Cook it for 1min and sits 5mins,then remove the egg and place them on a kitchen towel.一锅水煮滚后转小火加入白醋,鸡蛋去壳放到碗里,之后搅拌白醋水成漩涡,把碗里的蛋顺着漩涡放下去煮1分钟熄火盖锅等待5分钟捞起水波蛋,放在kitchen towel吸取多余水份。

  3. 3: Add butter to the 1/2 bagel and heat it on a pan.把贝果抹上奶油,煎至金黄

  4. 4: Place the bagel on a plate add the ham on top,place your poached egg on top of that and finish the whole thing off with some of the hollandaise sauce and herbs. 将贝果包放在碟上,放上火腿和水波蛋,淋上荷兰酱再洒上香草便完成。

( 创建于2019-03-19 )

