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焦糖蛋挞Caramel egg tart


撒面黄砂糖b.sugar 少许little,水water 45克g,低筋面粉cakeflour 195克g,室温牛油butter 75克g,糖sugar 1茶匙tsp,热牛奶hotmilk 70克g,糖sugar 40克g,鲜奶油cream 70克g,鸡蛋egg 70克


  1. 1: 盆内加入水、室温软化牛油和低筋面粉混合;Mix water, butter and cake flour.

  2. 2: 搓揉至软;Knead till soft and smooth.

  3. 3: 面团分成12分,在蛋挞模具内外推,厚薄随意,刺孔;Divide the dough into 12 pcs, gently press the dough into the mold, then poke small holes with a fork.

  4. 4: 糖加入热牛奶溶化,待凉;Add sugar in the hot milk, let cool.

  5. 5: 鸡蛋打散后加入奶油和放凉的甜牛奶;Whisk egg and add in cream and the cool milk.

  6. 6: 把混合物过筛两次;Sieve the mixture twice.

  7. 7: 倒进挞内8-9分满,表面撒点黄金砂糖;Pour into the mold, sprinkle some brown crystal sugar on top.

  8. 8: 200度烤15-20分钟。Bake for 15-20 mins at 200C till the surface looks golden brown.

  9. 9: 出炉待凉,趁热享用。

  10. 10: 冲一杯咖啡香喷喷的!Serve with a cup of American coffee.

( 创建于2019-07-22 )


