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翠玉水饺Jade dumpling


菜汁vegijuice 310克g,中筋面粉plainflour 600克g,盐salt 少许few,油oil 少许few,免治猪肉mincedmeat 280克g,盐salt 少许few,油oil 少许few,绍兴酒cookingwine 少许few,生抽soysauce 少许few,生粉cornstarch 少许few,五香粉5spicepwd 少许few,菜叶绿渣leafresidue X,菜叶白leafstem


  1. 1: 把一斤菜心最外两层的比较硬但依然新鲜的叶子摘下,洗净,沥干;Peel the outer part of Choisum which looks still fresh, clean and rinse.

  2. 2: 把绿色部分加350克水打成汁;Blend the pure green part with 350g water.

  3. 3: 过筛,使劲按压取出310克纯汁液,最后还要用手搾干水分;Seize and press hard the spatula to get 310g juice, you might need to squeeze with a hand at the end.

  4. 4: 加入少许盐和油于菜汁;Add little salt and oil into the vegi juice water.

  5. 5: 加入面粉,先以筷子搅拌,再移到案板用手搓揉;Add flour, mix with chopsticks in the beginning then transfer to countertop and knead well.

  6. 6: 至表面光滑后盖盖和面(爱地球,别使用保鲜膜);Rest for a while to let all ingredients incorporate well, cover with a lid instead of cling film which will damage the earth.

  7. 7: 准备醃料,多寡随心所欲;Add ingredients properly according to your experience.

  8. 8: 猪肉与醃料混合后加入搾过汁的菜渣和剁碎的菜白;Mix well the meat with marinade ingredients with chopsticks and continue mixing the chopped vegetables.

  9. 9: 面团留起一半待用,搓成长条;Take half from the dough and roll out to a long strip.

  10. 10: 擀薄皮,包馅儿;Roll out to thin skin and wrap your own type.

  11. 11: 饺子包好,烧半锅水,加盐,水滚放饺子,摇一摇锅预防饺子黏锅底,预备3杯水;When your portion is ready, boil water by adding some salt, prepare 3 cups of extra water.

  12. 12: 滚起,加第一杯水;再滚起加第二杯水;又滚起加第三杯水;再滚,捞起享用。When it boils, add the 1st cup of water. Repeat the same step till water is used up. Ready to serve when it boils.

  13. 13: 吃不完的可以雪藏;Freeze those for next enjoyment!

  14. 14: 半小时后,吃点水果也不为过。A coffee lover has to skip her coffee this time.

( 创建于2019-04-06 )


