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黄金糕Golden cake


椰汁coconutmilk 150克g,盐salt 少许few,牛油butter 10克g,酵母yeast 4克g,温水warmwater 15克g,木薯粉tapioca 100克g,粘米粉riceflour 25克g,鸡蛋egg 2个pcs,糖sugar 60克


  1. 1: 椰汁加盐小火煮5分钟,放入牛油熄火;Low heat coconut milk and salt for 5 mins, add butter after turning it off, let cool.

  2. 2: 另一小碗酵母加水拌匀作发酵之用;Mix ingredients under (B), set aside.

  3. 3: 称好木薯粉和粘米粉;Prepare ingredients under (C).

  4. 4: 筛进大盆里;Sift (C) into a big container.

  5. 5: 步骤1的椰汁放凉后加入木薯粉和粘米粉彻底搅匀;After cooling down mixture (A), add in (C), mix well, we call it mixture (D).

  6. 6: 用打蛋器打散大盆内的鸡蛋,加砂糖轻轻拌匀;Whisk egg and sugar.

  7. 7: 搅拌到砂糖溶解,打至发白;Beat (E) till fluffy.

  8. 8: 把酵母水和椰汁粉浆倒入蛋浆的大盆内;Pour mixture (A) and (D) into (E).

  9. 9: 用打蛋器继续打数分钟至拌匀;Whisk for several mins.

  10. 10: 每隔15分钟用打蛋器打发一次,打几分钟,重复3次;Beat the whole mixture every 15 mins, repeat 3 times.

  11. 11: 焗盘抺上牛油,倒入糊浆再发酵1倍大,约1小时(冬天则放进约40度的焗炉发酵);Grease the baking pan, rest for another hour.

  12. 12: 只开下火180度,放入焗炉最下格,焗15分钟;Heat the oven with only low heat on, after the oven light is off, bake for 15 mins.

  13. 13: 再加3分钟开全火至金黄(如无焗炉则大火蒸15分钟);Turn the upper heat on and bake for 3 more mins.

  14. 14: 趁热享用。Serve warm.

  15. 15: 金色的表面,长长的洞洞,就是黄金糕的特色哦!Look how lovely and yummy these cubes are!

  16. 16: 黄金跟藏红匹配不?Food and beverage must be well matched, no?

( 创建于2019-09-12 )

