手指饼Lady's finger


"鸡蛋egg 2个pcs","糖sugar 50克g","云尼拿vanilla 少许few","中筋面粉plainflour 60克g","忌廉cream 110克g","软芝士mascarpone 110克g","糖sugar 20克g","鱼胶粉gelatine 2/3茶匙tsp","淡糖水sugarywater 适量app","可可粉cocoapowder 适量app"


  1. step1

    1:蛋白和蛋黄分开,蛋白打起加糖打至坚挺;Whisk the egg white to hard peaks with sugar.

  2. step2

    2:加入蛋黄和云尼拿;Gently fold the egg yolk and vanilla into the egg white mixture, well combine.

  3. step3

    3:至大理石状加入面粉;Add the flour into the egg mixture and fold in.

  4. step4

    4:装进去挤花袋;Fill a piping bag with the mixture.

  5. step5

    5:在烘焙垫上挤出长条状,动作要快,否则泡沫会消失,饼干会塌下;Pipe 3 inches fingers in rows on the baking sheet as quick as possible.

  6. step6

    6:马上送进已预热190度的烤箱内烤10-15分钟;Bake immediately at 190C for 10-15 mins till golden brown.

  7. step7

    7:取出待凉,准备半碗淡糖水(水+糖,分量随意)沾湿手指饼;Let cool, prepare sugary water by mixing water with some sugar, soak fingers before putting into the cups.

  8. step8

    8:义大利软芝士和忌廉加糖打发,加入鱼胶粉水(加少许热水溶化);Beat mascarpone and cream with sugar, add in gelatine water.

  9. step9

    9:把芝士混合物倒进装有手指饼的杯里,撒上可可粉,置于冰箱,过夜。Pour the cheese mixture into the cups filled with lady fingers, sprinkle with cocoa powder, freeze overnight.

  10. step10




手指饼  手指    


