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鸡腿肉ChickenThigh 5片pcs,鸡蛋Eggs 2颗pcs,柴鱼bonitoflakes 8-10g,热水Hotwater1 ½杯cup,酱油Soysauce1½ 大匙tbsp,米酒CookingWine 1大匙tbs


1、柴鱼高汤: 柴鱼片泡热水10-15分钟,取出柴鱼, 汤汁先放旁边.Bonito Stock:Bonito Shavings soak in hot water for 10-15 mins, then take the Bonito Shavings out and keep the water

2、鸡肉切成长条状。Cut chicken into long strips.

3、鸡肉加入"腌料" 抓捏一下,腌渍15分钟。Mix “pre-seasoning”with chicken and leave aside for 15 mins.

4、洋葱切丝. 打蛋,轻轻将蛋黄打散即可,不用整个搅拌均匀。Cut Onion into strips. Beat the egg, don’t mix it too well.

5、起锅,开中小火,放入少许的油,加入洋葱拌炒。Heat your pot with mid low heat, add oil, and onion and pan fry for few mins but not burning the onion.

6、加入腌渍完成的鸡腿肉。Add the chicken.

7、拌炒至鸡腿肉表面转为白色。Pan fry until chicken is turning white.

8、加入所有的调味料, 烧煮约5分钟,鸡腿肉熟成即可。Add all the seasoning (Soy Sauce, cooking wine and Bonito Stock), cook for 5 mins, until chicken is completed cooked.

9、倒入蛋液,先不搅拌,待其稍固化,再拌之。Now add your egg, by slowly pouring into the pot, do not mix for a few seconds until the egg is slightly cooked, then mix.

10、盛白饭, 再盛上亲子丼摆上.Put the cooked rice into a bowl and add the chicken and egg onto the rice.

( 创建于2018-10-18 )

