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白芝麻 2汤匙,酵母 1茶匙,糖 1/4茶匙,温水 125g,葱花 35g,中筋面粉 180g,盐 2/3茶匙,五香粉 1/2茶匙,中筋面粉 1汤匙,橄榄油 2汤匙


  1. 1: 把酵母水里3种材料混合,静置5分钟;Mix all ingredients under (A) in a small bowl and rest for 5 mins.

  2. 2: 把面糊里4种材料放进大盆子里;Put all ingredients under (B) in a big container.

  3. 3: 以筷子拌匀,加入酵母水溶液,大致成团即可,静置30分钟至双倍大;Mix well all with chopsticks, form a rough dough with spatula, rest for 30 mins till double.

  4. 4: 案板上洒上面粉,按压面团挤出空气,搓揉至表面光滑;Sprinkle flour onto the table and press the dough, knead till the surface is smooth.

  5. 5: 面团擀至3mm厚长方形,淋油洒粉,涂抹均匀;Roll the dough to 3mm thick, oil the surface with flour, apply evenly with fingers.

  6. 6: 卷成长条状后再卷成圆形并擀成直径约24cm的圆饼;Roll up the flat dough from one side to form a snake-shaped dough then reshape to a round dough, roll flat again to 24cm.

  7. 7: 煎锅淋油,把圆面饼移到锅内,洒水,洒芝麻,盖盖,静置30分钟;Oil the 28cm pan before moving the flat dough to it, sprinkle water & sesame, press a bit, cover, rest for 30 mins.

  8. 8: 直接开中小火煎15分钟(明火要小);Turn on medium heat (4) for 15 mins.

  9. 9: 翻过来,盖盖,再煎10分钟;Flip, cover and cook for another 10 mins.

  10. 10: 这样就成功了!It is now time to enjoy!

  11. 11: 我的朋友们都做疯了!All my friends love eating and following this easy recipe.

  12. 12: 配一杯热情果薄荷茶,喜好不?Do you fancy for a cup of herb tea with passion fruit?

  13. 13: 成品切块上桌

( 创建于2018-11-23 )


