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Lime Biscuits青柠比司吉


milk牛奶3/4 cup,freshlimejuice新鲜青柠汁1 tablespoon,all-purposeflour中筋面粉2 cups,bakingpowder泡打粉1 tablespoon,lime,zested青柠丝1,salt盐1/2teaspoon,bakingsoda小苏打1/2teaspoon,unsaltedbutter,cutintopieces小碎粒无盐奶油 150g


  1. 1: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C)预热烤箱200度C(=400度F)

  2. 2: Mix milk and lime juice together in a bowl.牛奶和青柠汁混合,放旁备用.(这个混合就叫buttermilk)

  3. 3: Whisk flour, baking powder, lime zest, salt, and baking soda together in a separate bowl;把干性材料混在一起 mix butter into flour mixture using two knives or a pastry blender until crumbly.切小的奶油加进干性材料里,用手抓到感觉小小奶油颗粒混在粉里 Stir milk mixture into flour mixture until just moistened.把牛奶和青柠汁混合液倒进干性材料,混合在一起就好,不要过度搅拌.

  4. 4: Transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface把面团倒在铺了一些面粉的桌上; knead a few times. Gently shape dough into a 3/4-inch thick disk;把形状整理成厚 3/4-inch (1cm)的圆形 cut into 12 biscuits.这里我切成5*5cm的方形12个Arrange biscuits on a baking sheet.把比司吉排列在烤盘上.

  5. 5: Bake in the preheated oven until golden, 15 to 20 minutes.烤10分钟就要注意看,如果底部已经成浅棕色,就可以转成上火来上色.总计时间约15分钟.

( 创建于2020-04-03 )


