

植物油Vege.oil 2大匙tbsp.,牛肉片Slicedbeef 1/2磅lbs.,洋葱Onion 1/2颗pc,咖哩块Curryblocks 1/2包pack,红萝卜Carrots 2小根s.pcs.,马铃薯Potato 1颗pc.,水Water2 1/2杯cup,乌冬面Udon 1磅lbs.


1、洋葱切碎, 马铃薯和红萝卜去皮切成 1/2寸大小.Dice onion, potato and carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2” size.

2、锅中加入油和洋葱, 拌炒约两分钟.Add oil and onion to pot, cook for 2 mins.

3、加入红萝卜和马铃薯, 继续拌炒直到边边稍微焦黄.Add carrot and potato, and pan fry till the edges are a little browned.

4、水加入锅中, 盖上盖子,慢煮15分钟或直到红萝卜和马铃薯变软.Add the 2 ½ cups of water to the pot, close the lid and simmer for 15 mins or until carrot and potato are soft.

5、趁现在依照乌冬包装将乌冬煮熟后沥干.In the meantime, cook the udon noodles follow package instructions. Then drain and set aside.

6、牛肉片慢慢放进锅里,最后加入咖哩块, 搅拌至溶化 (可加一点水). 牛肉煮熟后关火.(English instruction below) Add beef slices slowly, add curry blocks and mix until all melted (add more water if needed). Once beef slices are cooked turn off heat.

7、乌冬面加入碗内, 淋上咖哩汤汁. Place the udon noodles in a bowl and pour the curry soup onto the noodles.




咖哩  乌冬  

