

"牛筋 1斤","红菜头 2个","番茄 2个","胡萝卜 1条","西芹 1/4棵","紫椰菜 1个","洋葱 1/2个","白葡萄酒 1杯","粒 2个","水 10碗","玉桂叶 4片","白胡椒粒 1/2汤匙","柠檬片 1片","茄膏 5汤匙",


  1. step1

    1:先给带肉的牛筋飞水去腥去油;Give beef a quick boil over hot water say 1 min to get rid of its smell and oil.

  2. step2

    2:红菜头刨丝待用,保留茎部和叶子;Grate the beetroot, keep its leaf and stem.

  3. step3

    3:每种材料如图切好(中间的当然是优质白葡萄酒);Cut all ingredients as shown, the one in the middle is the good quality white wine.

  4. step4

    4:以牛油起锅,炒软红菜头丝,加点糖去涩;Fry beetroot with butter, add some sugar.

  5. step5

    5:加入洋葱碎炒至软身;Fry onion till tender.

  6. step6

    6:加入白葡萄酒;Add white wine.

  7. step7

    7:依次加入切好的蔬菜,拌匀;Load with parsley, carrot, beef, tomato, purple cabbage and beetroot leaves.

  8. step8

    8:捣碎牛粒,加入10-12碗水中;Smesh Oxo cubes then mix with 10-12 bowls of water, bring back to the pot.

  9. step9

    9:加入玉桂叶,再拌匀;Add bay leaves, stir even.

  10. step10

    10:汤里的水煮滚后加白胡椒和柠檬片;When it brings to boil, add white pepper and a thick slice of lemon.

  11. step11

    11:慢火煲1小时后熄火让余温继续熬汤,加入茄膏;Slowly stew for 1 hour, turn it off while the heat inside is still working. Tomato paste provides additional depth of flavour.

  12. step12

    12:取出一部分汤和渣绞碎(除了玉桂叶),再倒回锅里煲滚;Except bay leaves, take some vegetable and beef out for blending, then bring back to the pot, boil again.

  13. step13

    13:试味并调制自己喜爱的口味。Season before serving, finished with several drops of tabasco and vegemite.

  14. step14

    14:餐后来一杯俄罗斯咖啡,里面竟然拌入了三种酒那么多!A cup of Russian coffee will definitely make your day!

  15. step15






