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BBQ 排骨


SpareribsOne 1rack,Ketchup 1cup,HoneyTwo 2tsp,Cinnamon 1tsp,Sugar 1tsp,Blackpepper 1tsp,Gingerpowder 1tsp,Onionpowder 1tsp,Cinnamon 1tsp,Soysauce 1tsp,Paprika 1tsp,Oregano 1tsp,Salt 1tsp,Oil 2tsp


  1. 1: Most of the ingredients

  2. 2: Mix all in a bowl

  3. 3: Here is the rack of spareribs. Cut excess flap of meat and excess fat away.

  4. 4: After cutting.

  5. 5: Apply sauce mixture to top and bottom and marinate overnight.

  6. 6: Prepare bbq grill. Wait until coals are a bit ashy on top.

  7. 7: The coals are on the right. The meat is placed on the left to cook slowly. The foil prevents too much heat from over cooking. Trim the meat in a bit.

  8. 8: Cover and let cook for two hours on low heat.

  9. 9: Here is how it looks after two hours. No basting has been done during this time.

  10. 10: Baste meat with sauce after two hours. Cook again for one half more hour.

  11. 11: Add some onions or toasted bread.

  12. 12: After cutting. Perfect.

  13. 13: Bulldog approved!

  14. 14: Plate it and enjoy!

  15. 15: Plate it and enjoy!

( 创建于2018-08-25 )


