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Biscotti 义大利脆饼


vegetableoil蔬菜油1/2 杯,whitesugar白砂糖1 杯,all-purposeflour中筋面粉31/4 杯,eggs 3,bakingpowder小苏打1tab 大匙,aniseextract1tab 大


  1. 1: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets or line with parchment paper.预热烤箱到375 F (190 C),烤盘抹油或铺烤纸.

  2. 2: In a medium bowl, beat together the oil, eggs, sugar and anise flavoring until well blended. Combine the flour and baking powder, stir into the egg mixture to form a heavy dough. Divide dough into two pieces. Form each piece into a roll as long as your cookie sheet. Place roll onto the prepared cookie sheet, and press down to 1/2 inch thickness.把湿性材料(油,蛋,糖,anise萃取)和干性材料(面粉,小苏打)分成两盆,各自混合均匀后,干性材料倒进湿性材料,以刮匙轻轻混匀成团后,把面团分成两份,每一个滚圆滚长,放在准备好的烤盘上,压扁到约1.5公分厚度._

  3. 3: Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven, until golden brown. Remove from the baking sheet to cool on a wire rack. When The cookies are cool enough to handle, slice each one crosswise into 1/2 inch slices. Place the slices cut side up back onto the baking sheet. Bake for an additional 6 to 10 minutes on each side. Slices should be lightly toasted.放进预热好的烤箱,约烤25-30分钟,到成金黄色.拿出烤箱,稍微放凉,到手可以拿,切成约1.5公分小片(此步骤要趁热,饼凉切易碎),再把切面朝上,两面各烤6-10分钟,到金黄.

( 创建于2019-03-19 )


