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扫面蛋液egg 1/2个pc,温水warmwater 130克g,糖sugar 30克g,酵母yeast 5克g,奶粉milkpowder 8克g,高筋面breadflour 250克g,盐salt 2克g,蛋液egg 30克g,牛油butter 25克g,火鸡肉turkeymeat 130克g,玉米粒corn 70克g,黑椒粉blackpepper 适量app,蛋黄酱mayon 40g


  1. 1: 将酵母水准备好;Mix all ingredients under (A).

  2. 2: 除牛油外,顺次序加入面糊材料;Add all ingredients under (B) except butter.

  3. 3: 如洗衣服般向前推搓数分钟;Knead for few mins.

  4. 4: 搓揉均匀后加入牛油;Add butter after ingredients are well incorporated.

  5. 5: 接下来就是甩,甩得越长越好,做出来的越有筋道;Throw the dough for few mins till elastic.

  6. 6: 加点手粉,搓圆面团,以步骤1的大圆盆盖著,静置30分钟;Flour both hands, form a big round dough, cover with the big pan for 30 mins.

  7. 7: 挤出空气,切割成10个小面团,滚圆,湿布遮盖进行中间发酵15分钟;Press the dough, divide into 10 pcs, make round, cover with wet towel for 15 mins.

  8. 8: 拌匀内陷所有材料;Mix all ingredients under (C).

  9. 9: 把面团擀平,包半月形,最后以叉子压边;Roll out each small dough, wrap like crescent, seal with a fork.

  10. 10: 温暖处发酵30分钟;Rest for another 30 mins.

  11. 11: 涂上一层蛋液;Apply a thin layer of egg.

  12. 12: 每个包上面撒上点香草;Sprinkle some herbs onto the bread surface.

  13. 13: 放进已预热180度的烤箱烤15分钟;Bake for 15 mins at 180C.

  14. 14: 哇!好大喔!Wow! Gigantic!

  15. 15: 麦香飘满整个屋子咯!So nice!

( 创建于2019-06-22 )


