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温水warmwater 125克g,酵母yeast 1克g,法包粉Frenchflour 200克g,盐salt 4克g,红砂糖brownsugar 6克g,橄榄油oliveoil 20克g,果仁nuts 40克g,芝士mozzarella 90克g


  1. 1: 酵母溶入水中;Add yeast into the warm water.

  2. 2: 法包粉、盐、黑胡椒粉、红砂糖、橄榄油和剁碎果仁一一加进去;Add in French bread flour, salt, black pepper powder, brown sugar, olive oil and chopped nuts.

  3. 3: 把盆里所有材料以刮刀混合,静置30-60分钟;Combine everything with a spatula. Cover and rest for 30-60 mins (depending on the room temperature).

  4. 4: 用刮刀压走气泡;Use spatula to let bubbles go.

  5. 5: 置于冰箱4-6度的菜格里发酵至少15小时(我是晚上九点开始算);Let it sleep inside the fridge for at least 15 hours.

  6. 6: 第二天大概中午时间变双倍大了,取出;When the size doubles, take it out.

  7. 7: 在垫子上撒上高粉,挤压出空气,切割6份,滚圆,静置15分钟;Put the dough on a floured surface, press it, divide into 6 pcs, roll, rest for 15 mins.

  8. 8: 称90克芝士,每个面团需要15克;Measure 90g mozzarella as each bread needs 15g as its filling.

  9. 9: 把每个小面团按扁擀平,撒上披萨芝士;Roll out to flat round shape, put mozzarella on, fold as shown.

  10. 10: 在烤盘上撒上高粉,把整好形的面团置于其上,放在烤箱里面发酵50分钟,底下放一盘热水;Transfer all to floured baking tray, rest for 50 mins with some hot water underneath to help fermentation.

  11. 11: 中间戒一刀,喷水;Cut in the middle, spray some water on the bread surface.

  12. 12: 放进已预热到200度的烤箱烤15分钟;Bake for 15 mins at 200C.

  13. 13: 看着它们在烤箱里面跳舞,真有趣!It is so wonderful to watch the whole process!

  14. 14: 一丝丝的芝士,诱人啊!Look at the cheesy bread, how yummy!

  15. 15: 只要谁一踏进家门,肯定会争着吃。I am very sure when my hubby comes back, he will take more than one!

  16. 16: 好好喝一杯上佳牛奶咖啡!Latte with Italian almond biscotti will definitely cheer me up.

  17. 17: 我阿姨立刻做了。My aunt in Melbourne immediately followed, yeah!

( 创建于2019-06-30 )


