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牛肝菌义饭porcini risotto


香米rice 2杯cups,牛肝菌porcini 随意,鸡精chickencube 1块pc,水water 4杯cups,洋葱onion 1/4个pc,白葡萄酒whitewine 1杯cup,牛油butter 1/2汤匙,巴芝士parmesan 1/3杯cu


  1. 1: 准备好哪个超市都不缺的金象香米,不用洗;Prepare the very common Thai rice we daily consume, without washing.

  2. 2: 要选择优质的干片,其味道才浓郁。用一杯水泡软,切小件备用;Soak porcini for a while, cut into fine pieces, keep its water.

  3. 3: 鸡精加水(三杯水和一杯泡过菌的水)煮透,一直以小火温热;Add 1 stock cube into the water (3 cups of water and 1 cup for soaking porcini) and boil, on low heat, continuously.

  4. 4: 不粘锅下橄榄油,中火爆香切碎的洋葱粒;Pour some olive oil into the non-stick pan, sautee finely chopped onion.

  5. 5: 洋葱粒呈金黄色后加入切好的牛肝菌;Add porcini pieces when onion is soft and brown.

  6. 6: 炒片刻,至散发出沁人的香气;Keep frying till you smell the fragrance of porcini.

  7. 7: 加入金象香米;Add in rice.

  8. 8: 炒数分钟,锁住米的外层;Fry several mins till the rice looks bit transparent.

  9. 9: 加入一杯优质白葡萄酒,继续炒片刻;Pour a cup of good quality white wine, stir a bit.

  10. 10: 加入1/3鸡汤,搅拌,开盖煮至没有水份;加入剩下1/2鸡汤,继续之前的动作;Add 1/3 the stock, stir, boil without lid; add the remaining half stock, repeat the previous action.

  11. 11: 第三次鸡汤加进去之后就要开始留意进度;After all stock is added, keep standing in front of the pan, all stock will be absorbed very soon.

  12. 12: 待水份开始减少加入牛油搅拌;Add butter when water is below rice level.

  13. 13: 水份再减少时加入巴马臣芝士(多寡随意);Add grated parmasan cheese (as much as you like).

  14. 14: 充分拌匀;Mix well.

  15. 15: 上桌咯!Buon appetito!

  16. 16: 除了酒,饭后再来杯咖啡也不错啊!Enjoy a cup of coffee after meal.

( 创建于2019-07-30 )


