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烧蔬菜沙拉Grilled salad


红椒redcapsicum 1个pc,黄椒ylwcapsicum 1个pc,茄子aubergine 1个pc,翠玉瓜zucchini 1个pc,黑醋balsamic 1汤匙tbs,橄榄油e.oliveoil 2汤匙tbs,百里香thyme少许a few,黑椒粉blackpepper少许a few,盐salt少许a few,糖sugar少许a fe


  1. 1: 蔬菜泡水,洗干净;Clean the vegetables.

  2. 2: 切小件,在平底锅烤20分钟,间中喷水;Cut into smaller pieces, roast in the grill pan for 20 mins, spay water from time to time.

  3. 3: 茄子切厚片,泡在水中;Cut and soak the aubergine.

  4. 4: 灯笼椒烤至外皮焦黑;Grill the capsicums till the skin looks darker.

  5. 5: 马上放进盆里;Put immediately roasted capsicums pieces into a deep pan.

  6. 6: 趁热封密10来分钟,待软化;Cover for 10 mins till they become tender.

  7. 7: 茄子每边烤3分钟,间中喷水;Roast aubergine pieces with each side 3 mins, spray water occasionally, till tender.

  8. 8: 翠玉瓜切片后每边烤3分钟;Roast zucchini pieces with each side 3 mins, spray water occasionally, till tender.

  9. 9: 把所有材料和百里香回锅捞一捞;Mix all vegetables with thyme in the pan for a while.

  10. 10: 准备油醋汁,稍微加点糖;Prepare vinaigrette, add a bit sugar;

  11. 11: 倒入油醋汁;Pour over mixed vegetables.

  12. 12: 稍微混合,撒上黑椒碎;Mix a bit with black pepper powder.

  13. 13: 上碟!Buon apetito!

  14. 14: 咖啡来咯!Never miss a cup of nice coffee of mine.

( 创建于2019-09-04 )



