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一品醉鸡Drunken chicken


农家chicken 1只pc,姜丝gingerslices 适量app,葱段scallion 适量app,八角anise 3粒pcs,月季叶bayleaf 5片pcs,水water 1碗bowl,冰糖rocksugar 5克g,花雕chinesewine 1杯cu


  1. 1: 农家鸡不肥不大,是做醉鸡的最佳选择:This is the best choice for making drunken chicken as its skin contains less fat.

  2. 2: 把鸡洗净,沥干水分,里外涂抹幼盐,再把姜丝和葱塞进里面,醃制过夜;Clean the chicken thoroughly, apply fine salt and massage, insert some ginger and scallions, marinate overnight.

  3. 3: 第二天,烧开一锅滚水,放粗盐、八角和月季叶;On the 2nd day, heat up a pot of water with some coarse salt, anise and bay leaves.

  4. 4: 开大火,拿着鸡头放下去、拉上来,重复4次,回锅水滚起再以小火煮20分钟;When it brings to boil, hold the chicken head, put it down and up for 4 times, then simmer for 20 mins.

  5. 5: 把鸡捞起,置于事先准备好的冰水里面浸泡半小时;Put the chicken into a big pan with ice water, soak for half an hour.

  6. 6: 煮溶冰糖,离火加枸杞和昭兴花雕酒,待凉备用;Melt the rock sugar with water in a sauce pan, turn off the heat and add some goji berries with Chinese cooking wine.

  7. 7: 取出鸡斩件(别完全切断,因为之后翻过来摆会显得整齐些),带皮部分朝下,浸泡在料酒盘里3小时以上;Cut the chicken into pieces with skin side soaked in the wine, set aside for at least 3 hours.

  8. 8: 鸡件翻过来排列整齐,立马升级!Rearrange all pieces in a neat way so it looks fabulous upon presentation.

  9. 9: 等待下一餐品尝,酒香定更浓郁!Set aside in the fridge for later taste.

( 创建于2019-09-19 )

