< 心食谱 菜谱大全 >



pizzadough 1,flour 一点,cornmeal 一点,buttonmushroomabout 15,onion 1个,sausage12 ounces,pizzasauce8 ounces,cheese12 ounce


Cut the button mushroom into 1/4" slices

Cut the onion into thin slices

Line a pan with aluminum foil. Place small blobs of sausage onto the foil. Sprinkle with black pepper. Put in oven at 400 F pre-warmed oven 7 mins.

Take sausage out and let rest.

I don't have a pizza pan, so I line cutting board with 2 sheets of aluminum foil.

Add some extra flour. Place 1 pizza dough and coat with the flour to remove stickiness and make it easier to work with.

Start patting down the edges of the ball using palm of hand. Go gently. Do not touch the middle because it will start having holes.

It should look like this.

When you press the edges, make sure to push any bubbles to the edge and pop them. This will avoid any bubbles when cooking and ruin the look.

Use fingers to push any more bubbles out. Should be about 9 inches across at this point.

Use fingers to gently press the middle down. Press outwards.

Pick up the dough with 2 hands and position fingers. With right hand turning the dough clockwise, use left hand to press down on edges.

View from opposite side. Go completely around at least twice.

With hands placed in picture, stretch middle portion (but not the middle) out. Should be around 12" at this point.

Use fingers and hands to stretch it out more as shown. Use left hand knuckle under dough and stretching and right hand turns the dough around.

Should be around 14" across now. Pop any bubbles. For a thin crust pizza, stretch it to 16" across.

Use a small amount of corn meal and put the dough on top and gently press down. This will make the bottom a little crunchy.

Place the dough on the foil.

Coat with pizza sauce all the way to the edges using a 1/2" border. This is very important as you don't want a big crust.

Coat with a liberal amount of cheese, leaving the pizza sauce slightly visible. Push to the edges also. You can use any kind of cheese (Mozzarella)

Spread the cut onions first and then mushrooms. Mushrooms must be on top because they shrink a lot when cooked.

Top with the cooked sausage pieces.

Gently slide the pizza off the cutting board and into the oven at 450 F oven.

Cook for 20 mins

Use a pizza cutter and cut the pizza.

Should get eight slices. Cut and enjoy hot.

( 创建于2019-11-11 )


