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蔬菜鸡汤Chicken soup


chicken 1只pc,水water 1.8升L,洋葱onion 1个pc,蒜头garlic 整个whole,青椒greenpepper 1个pc,西芹parsley 1办pc,翠玉瓜zucchini 1个pc,番茄tomato 3个pcs,中筋面粉plainflour 2汤匙tbs,黑胡椒粉b.pepper 1/2茶匙tsp,盐salt 2茶匙ts


  1. 1: 水滚后把洗干净的整只鸡放进去中小火煮20分钟,再浸泡10分钟,捞起;Simmer the chicken in the boiling water for 20 mins, soak for another 10 mins, drain.

  2. 2: 翠玉瓜切条状,其余材料切粒备用;Cut all vegetables into cubes except zucchini in slice.

  3. 3: 以橄榄油炒软洋葱西芹和青椒;Stir fry onion, parsley and green pepper with some olive oil.

  4. 4: 加入翠玉瓜丝略炒;Slightly stir after combination of zucchini slices.

  5. 5: 撒入面粉,再翻数下;Sprinkle plain flour and well combine.

  6. 6: 整只鸡只取鸡胸肉,切粒后倒进汤里;Take only the chicken breast, cut finely, add to the soup.

  7. 7: 加入番茄粒煮10分钟;And add tomato dices to boil for 10 mins.

  8. 8: 以盐和黑胡椒粉调味;Season with salt and black pepper powder.

  9. 9: 让少吃蔬菜的人多喝此汤。Such healthy soup can be repeated every week by changing different vegetables.

  10. 10: 龙舌兰咖啡,香醇!Warm coffee with organic blue agave, so aromatic!

( 创建于2020-03-05 )


